This morning when I opened the door to walk to work, it was snowing. It was more like the start of Winter than the start of Spring. Spring is that way here. We enjoyed winter-the cold, the long nights, the holidays-and are a little sad to see it go. With the change, comes new opportunities to play, to feel light in the spirit and to not feel so cold! Spring is promising this year. We have hopes of painting the house, playing outside, and feeling some nice sun on our bodies. Lou will be fishing more and we will have some visitors. Who wants to come to Montana in the wintertime? Frannie, Lou and I will all be growing a year older this season-Frannie and I will have a birthday this week. I always wondered what it would be like to "almost share" a birthday with her. So far, it has been the best thing ever! I love having this time to share with her, I hope shei will too, and the celebration has been a lot more meaningful to me. We made her cake-
Gateau au Citron- this weekend b/c I will be busy this week and needed to get it out of the way. We will put it together on tuesday night before the party and have friend over. It will have a raspberry curd filling and pink, yes she wanted pink, cream cheese frosting with a hint of rapberry. She is very excited to be three...
We celebrated the start of Spring with a trip to the park-frannie wanted to ride her bike there. No snow on the ground, the day was overcast but warm, and we headed off on the long trip to the park. She didnt make the trip home on the bike, I carried it, but walked the home way. She said her hips were tired and she needed to pick up pine cones.

Baby brother is doing well as he starts
week 24 in utero and will soon be running out of room to squirm, kick, and twist as he is starting to bulk up, put on fat, and grow into what we will soon be holding.