8 months and more sick days. I really try to keep things together but when these kids get sick my whole world falls apart. The good thing this time is that it was not another ear infection...just a nasty virus that struck us all. Gabe had it the worst and wouldnt eat or sleep and I was sure it was another ear infection. We made it through it all and have gotten Gabe back to eating. Frannie probably had it the least so it makes me hopeful that when Gabe gets older he wont get sick as much (crossing my fingers).
Besides all being down in the dumps, we did have some good times. Frannie is preparing to turn 4 this friday and it is all of her world these days. Everything is about the birthday and doing things like a 4 year old. She would really like to have the squireel in our yard 'love' if anyone can catch it for her (I'm not going to try). We went on a great walk this saturday while she rode her bike and I was astonished by her sense of self and freedom compared to last summer. She is the leader and navigates the cracks and bumps and broken sidewalks and is a little affraid to fall. If her bike wasnt falling apart it would be easier but she manages like all of us have had to before. She compliments her self for each achievement and is so excited to share it with me. she wants her training wheels off and I think she is ready. The days are approaching for her birthday and she is looking to sharing her 'Star Wars' cake with her friends. She decided she wanted one, now I have to make it. May the force be with me...
Gabe is making his way through his first year and learning all about communicating, navigating and teething. His teeth are popping up with vigor and I am hoping he gets a break before the next set come up. Gabe is the sweetest little guy imaginable and I love how often his hugs come along with those baby kisses. I will miss his gummy grin and will miss my little guy being so little. When I watch Frannie doing huge things and having great conversations with me about how she sees the world, my jaw drops thinking about how someday I will be able to share these same things with my liltle wild man.
8 months- enjoying the sunshine |
Snack Break-crew enjoying a snack when we were doing yard work |
Thing 1 &2: New teeth coming in |
first time brushing teeth |
Big boy on the move-He love to brush |
it feels so good! |
8 months and growing fast but loves to smile for his mama |
Next post will bring us a 4 year old and mom will be half way through her 30's. March is a busy time and we are all looking forward to the changing season and all that spring will bring! We are getting our last snow storm of winter and I will be surprise to see if March goes out like a lamb this year...