The last 4 months have been a whirlwind of projects and schedules and budgets and goals and kids and more projects and moving. We moved! We've said goodbye to our home on 6th avenue that gave us so much. We moved in after going to a garage sale and loving the potential and the yard size/location. We were in an old apartment building with two dogs (which werent supposed to be there)-Murf was a pup and Luna ready for a yard of her own. We were engaged and had our lives ahead of us! It was an exciting time and we were ready for our first home. Over the years, we shared our lives together and grew a family. Worked on making our house our own, worked on the yard and said goodbye to our first dog, Luna. Gabe came along and then we realized that we need to work on our long term dream-to move out of town to have some quiet and some room for our energetic kids to learn from nature and be safe. It was time to get out of town. But that meant leaving our great neighbor behind and those constant reminders of what weve all shared there and grown through. It meant leaving memories of my dads visit to see frannie and behind knowing that he'll never sit on the couch in our new house and look at our beautiful views out the windows. oh, he would really love the new house...
The day we put our house on the market
So we've said our goodbye's and are settling in to our new life out of town and making new plans. We hope to share them with you here and there and have you come see what it is all about. More to come once I find my camera and my wits- oh and hopefully Spring!!