Thursday, February 3, 2011

17 Weeks

On my walk in this morning while my cheeks froze, I thought about these last 17 weeks. Why have things been so different from the first time? For one, this is #2 and a different baby. I am also not on my feet waiting tables for 6 or 8 hours three nights a week. I slept, a lot. Sleeping and winter time seem to go well together with this pregnancy. Maybe it is b/c I am older and have a different set of stresses in my day than I have previously. But we did have a lot on our plates then too (like a house remodel and planning a wedding). Now, I am grateful for the time I can squeeze in for exercise and yoga without veering from my time with Francesca. Things have been a lot different with this pregnancy (like wearing pregnancy pants around 10-12 weeks). I dont think that the baby is a lot bigger, just that my muscle memory from the pregnancy is weighing in-we call this the big release-all of my muscles have just gone back to the pregnancy time before and arent going worry about anything and just relax.


And no, I did not plan to have the same militant color scheme for my wardrobe this picture. I was cleaning and my sweat pants looked like a better option than the pants I wore to work. I need to work on my camera man too. It is almost like he wants to take bad pictures...

Big Sister has also been smart enough to use this time to her advantage and request BIG things b/c she is a big sister, like this ice cream cone...

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