Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Getting OUT

This weekend we packed up the subaru sans black dog (have you ever noticed how many subarus have black dogs) and took our first holiday without her. Luna loved getting out and going to new places no matter how cramped she was in the subaru or how long the trip. We got Lunas ashes back too and Frannie wanted to bring her with us. I told her we had to stop taking Luna with us b/c at some point, we have to move on. It would have been nice to have taken her on one last adventure, but she is on her own adventure now.
So, where did we go? Some of you already know, but we made a return trip to Holland Lake Lodge. We stayed up there for a night in a cabin to celebrate Fathers Day, our Anniversary (which is today) and moving on. I needed to get out of Helena to process the changes to come and the changes which have come to pass. We were thinking about waiting until after the baby arrived, but I wanted to have the time off now. Also, summer is very busy for them with weddings a reunions and it would have been hard to find time when they could have us. We should have waited b/c I dont think Spring has even started to show its face. This Spring was hard for most of Montana. Lilacs have not bloomed there yet and they havent mowed their lawn. It was quiet and relaxing and Murf enjoyed being wet 24/7. We went for hikes and a canoe trip and came home. Lou got to enjoy Fathers Day reading and relaxing.  It was the first time Ju-Ju Bee was completely alone for a night. We all made the trip and can move on through the up coming changes, the changes which our family is adjusting to and got to spend some more time in the rain before summer hits. I think that we'll be coming back to this place in the years to come and especially to share it with baby brother.

Happy Fathers day dads, Happy Summer, Happy Solstice, I hope you all are drying out.

Trying out the beds

Taking in the view

Settling in...


Is this Montana or Alaska-where did this weather come from?

Mission Mountains

Lake Happiness

Our cabin-Happy Fathers Day Daddy!

Supreme rock thrower - she loved the rocks

View from the front  lawn

HLL new dog Wanda

First canoe trip - she loved it

Calm morning on the lake

Lodge view from the lake

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