It has happened...we've entered into the no longer fall not yet winter mode around here. We turned the clocks back and have the dark nights again. What happened to summer? It seems like last week we were running around without jackets with the sun on our faces (we'll we were) and now it seems like we live in a different place at a different pace (we'll we do). Winter is almost here...
and to mark this, we woke up saturday morning to snow-how about that? When Frannie saw it, she asked if there was enough to go skiing. I know what we'll be doing this winter!
First snow (it stayed on the ground) |
Frannie and Gabe spent some good hours snoozing away and resting like little bear cubs snug in their beds. I, like a hybernating mother, took ever opportunity to gather and prepare for the winter ahead. So excited and so not looking forward to the cold dark months to come. There are holidays and celebrations, winter trips and skiing, spending time together without competing agendas or the ability to rush off somewhere at a moments notice. It is time to hunker down and rest-finally!I made bread this weekend and cleaned the home and did mountains of laundry. Lou was out trying to track down some deer to pack into our freezer and I tried to keep the kiddos healthy. There is nothing worse than a sick child if you ask me, but we have been really lucky with Frannie and I hope Gabe plots the same course.
Big kids still need their beauty sleep |
Exhausted |
Gabe is sweet and happy and loves sitting and taking it all in. He can grab, roll over, smile and communicate and sometimes, I think he can say
mama...Gabe is adjusting to going from being a July baby born in the warmest month of the year to a bundled baby out and about. He loves looking at the sky and taking in all the time he can while he is outside. We'll try to get him out this winter (if it doesnt get too cold).
All bundled |
Happy and Warm |
sitting pretty with sophie (aka his new best friend) |
So happy watching us have dinner |
Oh, almost forgot...Halloween!! Frannie has figured out what it is all about and enjoyed the one place we took her to trick-or-treat (my work). She got so much booty that we called it a night and went home. In the end, she only ate one fun-sized snickers bar and decided it was more fun to collect the candy than eat it. She has fun carving pumpkins (first drawing a cat, a face and making the baby pumpkin into a baby bat) and digging deep to get the seeds out for the chickens. She got into her costume and was one fierce baby dragon (no wings, b/c baby dragons don't fly and a fire wand to protect herself from baddies). Gabe stayed awake most of the day at daycare with all the commotion and goings-on and crashed once he got into his car seat after trick or treating. He never got into his bear cub costume but that was okay with me b/c I didn't like how it came out (so glad I was able to pull of Frannies costume). He wore frannies 1st halloween costume to school that day so at least he looked like someone loved him (black cat onesie).
Dragon Costume |
Good or Evil? |
From Left to Right: Scary guy, baby dragon, daddy pumpkin, and cat pumpkin |
Pumpkin Carving-scooping out the seeds for the girls a la snowpants... |