Monday, November 21, 2011

four months and more

Seems like change is a constant around here. We went from the land of falling leaves to uggs and hot chocolate. Winter is fully engages and fall days are just a memory. We actually changed so quickly that the leaves still lay in piles under a blanket of snow and the a shrub is dormant in a pot that never got planted. I would like to say that it surprised us, but we knew that the snow was on its way...we just were in denial. We had a beautiful Fall.

Gabe is a full steam ahead kind of four month old and is really enjoying being busy and sitting, rolling, standing with help and putting everything in his mouth. plus, the smiles are non-stop. We are lucky parents. Life is so hectic now with Lou going on hunting trips, managing a day-to-day routine aroung the house and fielding various autumnal germs that we are looking forward to a holiday in Idaho with friends. It will be our first roadtrip as a family and we are excited to see what is out there. for now, i'll leave you with some photos from the last two weeks to enjoy. 

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