Monday, January 30, 2012


Time is an odd things for us these days. "What day is it, what week is it, when was the last time....?" Things keep moving at a superfast rate and all the while we stay at home. Home has been the place for us this January while we nurse the baby back to health. First ear infection, than another, than RSV, and now another ear infection. The RSV virus really knocked him down and and now he is getting back to normal strength and then....he started screaming and having a hard time sleeping, really hard time and I knew it was back. We try to keep him healthy but that little guy keeps picking up every germ at daycare. So, we are staying put at home mostly and spending time together getting through it. Gabe is 6 months now and really starting to get around (rolling) and sitting. Life keeps moving, through the sicknesses and the winter, and we are happy to be a family and able to spend time together. Before we know it, life will unthaw here and we will be scattered around our summer plans and wishing for the time to cuddle and stay at home.

6 months

Cuddle time on couch with a snack

Sitting in crib getting ready for a nap (notice the drool-where are those teeth?)

trying to get those teeth to come

Snow day

Aren't three-year olds cute???

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Looking out-

Everyday, as I gaze into my childrens speckled eyes, I feel gratitude. I struggle through my days like any 30 something mom of two trying to hold down a job, a marriage, a family, a sense of self. This life keeps me busy and appreciative and looking out. "what's next" is a constant thougth that comes across my mind-the dishes, the laundry, the games, the good night kisses, the dogs head resting on my back when I am sititng on the floor saying "I'm here too and I appreciate you", the next adventure, the next year. time to start looking in I think, don't you? This year will be a time for me to slow down, not look ahead and take time to enjoy the life I have always wanted. Having time with my family will be on my "whats next" list and figuring out how to make that work amongst all the other "whats nexts" will be a challenge.

We spent Chistmas nestled at home, warm and cozy and relaxed. The kids spent time playing and taking naps while Lou and I managed to rest a little too. It was too bad they did'nt get to share the time with friends and family more, but there will be time for that in the future. Gabe had an ear infection and we were all pretty warn down and needed the break.

Christmas meal

Big boy at the table

crazed christmas face

enjoying his truck from santa

Frannie and her horse barn

all tired out -

first fight over a toy

New Years was a bit of the same, time together. Frannie got to go to a big movie with her dad (they watched the Adventures of TinTin) while Gabe, Murf and I took in some afternoon sunshine and went on a long hike. The first day of the year was spent soaking and taking in some hot springs (Gabes first time). We are back to our normal routine. Hope you all enjoy the coming year and are blessed with good health and wonderful friendships
