Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Life lately has been about life-no plans just doing and going about the days. We've had snow, rain/hail/thunderstorms, sunny days and grey days. It seemed best to go about them casually and see what happens.

Memorial Day was spent, you guess it, at home. simple. no plans, no stress no goals. We got the house in order and put the chicks out in the coop. We are having the house painted (finally) and that is taking a lot of our time and money but needs to be done if we ever want to move. We also are trying to get Gabe to sleep all night. I know-bad Mom-but there have been conditions that were out of my control that dictated his sleep and I just went along with his needs to survive. Now, 10 months later and not surviving so well, Lou and I are trying to get our sleep back. It isnt working so well yet but we are trying...Frannie was a lot better at sleeping and teething and drinking from a bottle than this little guy but he sure is sweet and happy!

Frannie is a big kid! Her mind and body have made the leap from baby-toddler-preschooler-big kid! She is so creative and imaginative and funny. Four is the hardest age for her so far but the most explosive. We are reading to her for the second time The Trumpet of the Swan by EB WHITE and she stopped the reading to tell me that Louis cant talk b/c he came out of his egg too early...see exploding! Her mind and body are growing and developing so much right now that I cant take it all in. I went in the play room the other morning and saw this on the white board.

When I asked Frannie about, I expected an elaborate story about how the house faiery did it but she said that she did it and that it was a spider with egg sacs. she said that you can tell that it is a spider and not a jelly fish b/c it has eight legs!! My heart exploded with pride-my four year old knows that a spider has 8 eight legs!! I guess we need to keep the new info coming and take advantage of this learning period. Sorry Gabe, you'll just have to run around the house naked some more.

Gabe has this top teeth in now and is eating up a storm. He also runs around with his walker and goes up stairs, opens doors and gets into everything, flushes the toilet, screams and throws balls, etc...how will I manage once he turns 1? I need to start getting some sleep or it is the end of me...boys!

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