The kids were busy this weekend playing and having fun with the chicks and we were thankful that we were all healthy and that it is now APRIL!! Wow-another month has come and gone and there was so much learned-Lou's birthday and Easter come to us this month and we are hoping for a beautiful spring
My unicorn and monster |
big time- now Gabe can stand up in the play pen |
he likes it!! |
Somebody knows that their cute ! |
So much happend over the weekend but the big new is about girls! We gave Gloria, our donated chicken, to a farm on sunday to live freely and be happy. She came from a 100 acre farm and was a free-range girl and didnt like being in the city in her little chicken tractor or being with us. She wasnt friendly plus she 'crows' sometimes?? So, a gracious friend added her to his flock and off she went-by Gloria! Since she was gone, we were able to get two new chicks to joing Ju-Ju Bee. Dont say it, "more chickens?" but we are doing it again.
Here they are-
HONEY diggin in to the crumbles |
TILDA-Silver Laced Wyandottes
Silver Laced Wyandottes are the original Wyandotte variety, and a wonderful example of American breeding. They are beautiful and productive.
Wyandottes are a favorite amongst backyard flock owners for their dependable egg laying, easy going nature and cold hardiness. Each feather is silvery white edged in beetle black, similar to Silver Sebrights. The hens look as if they're ladies dressed for a fancy ball!
Wyandottes have a heavy body and small rose comb which makes this breed perfect for cold climates because they are not prone to frostbite. The hens are hardy, energetic and faithful layers.HONEY- Buff Orpington
Orpingtons are big, friendly dual-purpose birds originally developed in the UK. For many small farms and homesteaders, Orpingtons are the only way to go! They're cold-hardy due to their fluffy plumage. Wonderful mothers, they do go broody. Plus, they're gentle and friendly on top of being good layers. The Buff Orpington is the most popular of all varieties of Orpington--a pretty, bright, pale "buffed" copper color that is striking.
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