Friday, April 20, 2012

when was that?

Life has been a blur. It seems like there is nothing to do to hold the time down and keep things simple these days. April in Montana just EXPLODES with activities both at home and work. Between those two things I hope to eek out some time with the family but on most days that sounds impossible.

So, when was Easter? don't remember. Sure am glad that I managed to take a few photos. We stayed home and did'nt seek out easter egg hunts or people. We just stayed put. It was a beautiful day and we spent time together outside and enjoyed the holiday with each other. Gabe and Frannie (and Murf) all had fun looking for treats from the Easter bunny and basking in the sun we had. Murf probably found the most eggs but he has an unfair advantage-that nose! We talked the house faerie to tell the gnomes to tell the Easter Bunny (all gnomes are friends with rabbits) that Frannie was good and to not forget to leave things for her. She knows that the house faerie watches over her and that if she sucks her thumb, she gets knots in her hair. She knows that the faeries and gnomes are friends and can help her. She is at a magical imagination level and we are letting it explode. Murf also has supernatural powers too but we wont go into that today...

Excitement before the hunt...

First easter egg hunt

The egg hunt expert is on standby incase that egg falls or breaks. Dont worry, in the end is graciously given a few

Murf finds this egg first

Frannie swoops in

Murf has given up on eggs and has moved onto squirrels...

More egg hunt fun

Easter hunt picture

enjoying the outside time

wishing that he could just go-

Swinging at 9 months

Gabes "space ship"

Danger-Danger Gabe has found the stairs

...and up he goes

Honey and Tilda are growing like weeds and enjoy getting out and about in the yard when the sun shines. We hope that they can joing Ju-Ju soon and I think that she would like that too. We introduced them thru the pen and she was very noisy when the kids left. We might be expaning the pen to accomodate this big girls too.

Honey and Tilda on their recess break

Frannie Farmer and her girls-she loves every minute of it
Frannie has started to make her bed (and Gabes) in the morning (on her own) and is starting to be a little helper (we had a rough spot for a while where listening and helping didnt exist). Gabe is teething (top teeth) and trying to get into as much danger as possible. Frannie has given him a new nick name of 'googly-bear'. Frannie is also into the Titanic this week and more and more into soccer. Her first game is saturday-GO LOBSTERS!! more to come on that.

Hopefully, life will slow down as summer approaches and we wont be feeling run over all the time and can keep up with life.Summers are a great time to be in Montana.

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