Tuesday, May 17, 2011

D.I.Y. Weekend

This weekend, I missed my husband. Not because he was out fishing (the rivers are flooding) or out of town, but because we were working around the house on projects. We tried to fit in some general conversation when the day was done but seemed to lack the energy. Ever have one of those weekends?

So, what we worked on were valances for the windows in the kids room and retrofitting an abandoned dog house into a chicken tractor. Both were something we thought up and felt like getting a jump on over the weekend. I am not sure if our limited time did either of them justice, but we just dont have the money to go out and get premade versions of them. I think both will work better than what we could have bought anyways...

Conversion to Coop in action

Windows are finished

Farmer Frannie is still up for growing her peas and is looking forward to them getting bigger. She wants them to be a beanstalk that Murf can climb, but I think our growing season is too short to achieve that goal. HOpefully, she will be happy with just growing peas.

Farmer Frannie

First steps into the Coop

Trying out the new roost

Looking happy on the roost

Flock enjoying some outside time

Frannie watching over the flock and the ant consumption-so glad they eat ants!

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